September 5, 2012

Choosing Chosen Choice Choices

The element of "Choice" as Aristotle defines it is governed by two basic elements. 1) Being that in order for something to be considered a Choice, the option, or means that you decide on, has to be within your control. 2) Deliberation is essential to Choice, in that we cannot Deliberate means not in our control. "The reason we do not deliberate about these things is that none of them can be effected by our agency." (Aristotle 135) This is problematic. Namely for the reason that Aristotle makes some pretty severe assumptions from the get-go in his argument that come into conflict with these rules as they appear later. If Choice is something considered within our reach, and intrinsically voluntary, then one may assume that to a certain degree, there is a sense of the self, and more importantly, that this identity is under our control. However, Aristotle also says: "And we choose only things we absolutely know to be good." (Aristotle 133) Up till now, we still have that "control" of "Choice," yet there's one more problem. "But such is manifestly the science of Politics; for it is this that ordains which of the sciences are to exist in sates and what branches of knowledge the different classes of the citizens are to learn and up to what point;...For even though it be the case that the Good is the same for the individual and for the state..." (5-7) So if we intrinsically, voluntarily, choosily choose what is choicely "Good," is Aristotle contradicting himself? Isn't that a total absence of "Choice" as he later defined it? Is the goal of Politics to engender a necessary illusion that manifests a belief in the self in order for preservation of the State?

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