September 16, 2012

Man Cannot Speak For Her

The most compelling piece I took with me throughout last weeks readings was the adoption of the "feminine argument." I've learned about this form of speaking before but never knew how it began. As a voter in the upcoming election I have followed the presidential candidates closely and can see how this "feminine argument" is still so powerful yet underused. The invitation of audience participation brings about a unity in both the men and women and answering and that of the speaker no matter the sex. This brings about a unified need. Identification with audience is one of the key aspects taught in rhetoric class. It enforces ones ethos. It makes so much more sense when you see debates now and someone is fighting for a middle ground, that person is likely to be favored by more. This objective is reinforced in Heilbrun's piece when she realizes that changing the voice of the speech to the fictional voice identifies readers with her for many different reasons. The agency seems almost a balance between the two parties, the author and the reader, but weighing more towards the reader because much is up to interpretation and identification with one speaker may be for different traits that intended.

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