October 22, 2012

Ubiquitous Hypermediacy

This scene to the left is not only one of the most prolific scenes in an already prolific movie, but also what I can come up with to most connect with the term "hypermediacy." For those who don't know, it's a scene from the film "Psycho" where Norman Bates is seen looking through a peep hole to gaze upon Marion Crane. Eventually the perspective shifts the camera to viewing through the peep hole, just as if we entered the mind of Norman. We become aware of the medium through this, thus achieving "hypermediacy."

How does this apply to the crazy world of ubiquitous computing? Well, Bolter and Grusin consider ubiquitous computing as an extreme form of "hypermediacy." I don't know though, because I thought "hypermediacy" meant we became aware of these things. Ubiquitous computing seems to have this intention to hide in the background. I mean, I get it, it sort of brings things to life, but that doesn't mean we're always aware of it.

I mean, to be honest, we're often surrounded by life and we often don't acknowledge it.

So what else can be said about ubiquitous computing or "hypermediacy?" Well, I agree more-so near the end of the article where ubiquitous computing is a reshaping of our reality and, once again I turn to Frankenstein, we can either embrace it or leave it to it's destructive nature.

Think Wall-E.

It would not be fun if everyone was lazy and therefore fat. I understand efficiency, but this is mindless self indulgence. Let's not let that happen. Embrace the technology though, and, as before mentioned, we can be super efficient. I mean, look how far we've gone already. We can get so much done in a day that people even just 10 years ago couldn't do. Steer this power towards something productive and we have ourselves an upstanding society, not one sitting on chairs like the Wall-E image above.

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