I learned a lot from all of the articles that we used to study agency, so I'm not sure if I could pick one that really hit me. I really appreciated the ideas Aristotle presented. I thought what he said about Happiness and Political Science and the way we use, define and work within them was completely accurate. I also thought that Barthes in Death of the Author had an interesting perspective I'd never thought to take before. But truly, there is a death of oneself (or should be to an extent) when writing for an audience. The audience for a piece is of vast importance to the piece itself, in the sense that it directly correlates to the way it is written and read. I think in order for a piece to be fully written a death has to occur for it's full effect to come to light.
Also, I really enjoyed both Campbell and Heilbrun had interesting takes as well. I believe in what Heilbrun says about the way women are perceived. That regardless of what it is they're saying, they will come off as having an overtly womanly response. Even if it's simply anger or sadness, they are seen from the perspective of men as whiney or needy and in turn become self-conscious of their emotions. Because of this self-consciousness they also do change their content into something else. I believe the morphing of content happens on purpose to avoid the male perspective and criticism of work but I'm sure at some level it is sub-conscious. And Campbell argued about gender roles and how that shapes our rhetoric, which I believe it does. Sometimes while speaking up or out, or being assertive or frankly not taking any crap from people, comes off as a masculine. Masculinity is not frequently a redeeming quality in women. And due to that, it can be difficult to manipulate texts to come off strong, powerful and intentional while not coming off pushy, masculine and rude.
Basically, I think that all of the texts we read offered something in the discussion of agency. I suppose I most closely connected with Heilbrun and Campbell but that may be our common denominator of womanhood coming out.
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