When one does not know what to believe..and maybe if I said unsure I'd be viewed as more in control, or more decisive, as it may seem there is, or rather are ideas that can be decided upon, at the least. Either way, what do you do? And this most concrete answer I can come to, although I will never stop reaching, as high as it goes. And that's Subliminal in whichever way your understanding goes, but for clarity, try Isaiah 55:8. You take what has been visually set before you, whether through nurture or training and hold fast because of its Power, even when you are unsure what it has done in your behalf, because you are convinced disloyalty will prove disastrous. Even when you know of your wrongs, but wonder is it really. And in the instances strength and armour is needed, you use imperfection of it all as assurance. What is that? How does one come to the most sought after understanding when there is no direct path because truth be told, one is not more capable than the other at attaining knowledge, but has only been trained and exposed to succeed at that specific task, in specific arenas.
I myself am uncertain about the aforestated, nonetheless, it seemed right at the time; Due to the fact there are many areas of yet again imperfection which makes its context unstable. But to try a word out, I will use difference. And I suppose it may seem to a reader that calling attention to my own flaws is a show of a lack of confidence, maybe a lack of direction, and if so, allow me to redirect you to the first line of this which clearly disclaims uncertainty is at work.
What is the aim of our instructors? To enlighten us of what they have learned, to guide us to our own? Why does one aim to teach? Is it to construct our lives in a way they've been taught to instruct, to inform, to lead? And of what benefit is it to us as Individuals?
I mentioned something to this effect over a year ago.. regarding constraints of societal, and scholastic or academic norms. What is the process method and risks of Individuation, whose respect will you gain, and should it matter? What is the aim of instruction, and how does it contribute to students as future contributors to society? Is there an individual investment in each of us? And with our chosen contributions, in our selective discourse communities, who will agree, or will there be anyone? And should only that possibility be our aim? If it so is, what is the product of the acquiesce? And by acquiesce I also mean understanding.
What is the lesson learned from Steve Jobs, or Bill Gates, when the reality, if we've been told to stay within its realms, is it is likely, statistically, we'd never be as innovative, or financially secure. Are statistics put into place to keep us from reaching for what IS in reality achievable in our very own way? And this is not to be seen as resistance, as in the most of aspects, there is no past without a present: Our own way that has built from the shoulders of the giants we stand on. I wonder if a caucasian student called attention to race if they'd be seen as trying to create peace and equality? And the same goes for African American, Middle Eastern, Jewish, Irish or Catholic descents; The Troubles, The Holocaust, Civil Wars. What is the response when the issue is raised by someone who has historically, and on a continuum been the target of oppression? Well, what if race, whichever it may be, is what a lesson plan has enlightened one of?
What kind of "profiling" does acclimation merit? I am simply questioning: How does one contribute to society outside of their opinion, their culture, their nurturing, their training, their standards, their knowledge; Or does it never coalesce, and only stand, unmovable.
1 comment:
I think your point about staying within realms, statistics, and innovation is very interesting. Why are statistics shared and put into place? Is it purely informative and a delivery of what we have accomplished? Or is it used as a limitation for society? Personally, I don't think that it is used as a limitation, purposely. But, I do think that we can sometimes get lost with numbers and expectations presented to us as a whole and as a growing society.
Our society's role and performance is one that can be influenced by the norm. Of course, there are some that fight and challenge the norm, but most don't know otherwise. Especially, in some schools and with some instructors. We listen to what the instructors say and what they believe because we are told to. We are told that they are right and we must respect what they say and what they teach. Is this a bad thing? No. But, we must always remember that individualization comes from searching outside our realm and comfort zone.
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