When Miller was discussing how genres are formed, she basically said that there are similarities that are drawn from the text. The similarities can be in the way they draw the audience, the tone with which they're spoken, the language that's used, the tropes and rhetorical tools that are used (ethos, pathos, logos), and the way it effects a community of people to act on social situations. "Since 'rhetorical forms that establish genres are stylistic and substantive responses to perceived situational demands,' a genre becomes a complex of formal substantive features that create a particular effect in a given situation." (p. 153) Based on this statement, I think the easiest way to note that Daniel's project is a criticism is by the content she provides within it. In the actual project itself, she has compiled it so that every bulletin you come across is a personal statement from an inmate who has been mistreated or felt particularly alienated from the situation they're in. You can also tell it's a criticism based on the introductory recording that is first played as you enter the project's website. From Miller's drawings on what makes a genre, Daniel's project can be placed in the category of criticism because she is trying to make an argument against a certain group and offering evidence to support her argument.
What's problematic for me in this project though, is the actual language she uses. Throughout reading her statements and going through her project, I kept thinking, "Well, these women have done something to be put in jail in the first place. Why should I be sympathetic for them?"For me, her critical language was unresolvable and wasn't substantiated enough. I felt like she didn't offer any remedies for the problems that she was trying to address. But then, if she had offered suggestions for fixing the jail system, would her project and essay still remain in the same genre? Or would it's purpose completely change, as well as the format and genre?
Kari K
Daniel is definitely not a reformist. The organization she is affiliated with is a revolutionary nonprofit in which they want to abolish the prison system altogether, not merely reform it a little. In this way, she doesn't have to give a reform solution -- the solution is for society to become so enraged by the injustice she presents us with, that she unveils, and demand the end of the prison system.
Yes, although most of these women have been put into the system for very good reason does that mean all of their rights should be taken away? Obviously, they are being punished for what they have committed but not all the women who have been convicted are individuals who have killed others. Some are in there because their boyfriend was a drug dealer and they were in the wrong place at the wrong time and although we dont want to think of it. what about the people who have been commited to something they didn't do. I'm not saying it happens often but sometimes it does happen. Should they be grouped? SHould they have an invasive search out upon them? I'm getting off topic. But my point really lies that one way or another the author is getting us to talk about social issues that we have opinions on. SHe is gaining popularity because people will remember even if they don't like her style. As readers we can think what we want but depending how the author crafts it she can push us to have strong emotions towards it. If she wasn't so passionate about this would you think twice about it?
I can definitely see her passion in her project and I appreciate her style of writing. In terms of bringing out her argument though--for example, I didn't know her project wanted to completely abolish prison systems, and also of how she worked on appealing to the audience--do you think her language was effective or do you think she should have tried another style to appeal to people who support the prison system? Do you think her writing and subject could be more effective if it was put in another genre?
I would have to say that Daniel is activating for a social reforming within the American prison system. Her whole project is creating new genre and is a hypertext within new media. Media today has leaped immeasurable amounts of distance from where it began. In today’s society individuals communicate through numerous forms of agent outlets. Email, blogs, video chat, texting, phone calls, photography, film, the list goes on and on. All these media outlets can be put into social genres.
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